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You start the Palette CLI with a single command, palette. The CLI accepts various subcommands such as pde, help, and more. The Palette CLI will return a non-zero exit status during error scenarios. You can use the CLI flags -h and --help to learn more about each subcommand.

The complete list of subcommands is:

  • completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell.

  • help - Help with any command.

  • ec - Palette Enterprise Cluster installation & pre-validation.

  • login - Login to Palette.

  • pcg - Private Cloud Gateway installation & pre-validation.

  • pde - Palette Developer Experience.

  • project - Manage Palette Projects.

  • vmo - Migrate, import and deploy VMs to Palette VMO.

Global Flags

Palette CLI supports the following global flags.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-c--configConfig file location.string
-h--helpHelp with any command.N/A
-l--log-levelLog level. Allowed values: panic fatal error warn info debug trace (default info)string
-w--workspaceWorkspace location for staging runtime configurations and logs (default $HOME/.palette)string


The ec subcommand installs a self-hosted Palette Enterprise Cluster (EC) in your target environment. The installation is conducted through an interactive wizard that guides you through the various install configurations available. A local kind cluster is created to facilitate creating the Enterprise cluster in the target environment. You do not need to install kind or any other dependencies. The CLI includes all the required dependencies to stand up the kind cluster. You can use the ec command to install a self-hosted Palette instance or a self-hosted VerteX instance.

The ec subcommand exposes the following subcommand.

  • install - Install a Palette Enterprise Cluster through an interactive wizard. A container runtime is required to install an EC cluster.


The install subcommand installs a Palette Enterprise Cluster in your target environment. You can install Palette or Palette VerteX using the install subcommand. The install subcommand can be used in interactive mode, which prompts you for required values. Alternatively, you can use flags to generate a configuration file.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileInstall using a configuration file (optional). Use -config-only to generate a configuration file.string
-o--config-onlyGenerate configuration file only. This command will not proceed with installation.boolean
-v--custom-values-fileEnterprise Cluster custom values.yaml configuration file (optional). Use this to customize the cluster profile of the Enterprise Cluster. Refer to the custom value file section for more information.string
-p--update-passwordsUpdate passwords only. Do not proceed with installation. The --config-file flag must also be provided.string


Install an Enterprise Cluster in interactive mode.

palette ec install

Create a configuration file for the Enterprise Cluster installation.

palette ec install --config-only

Install an Enterprise Cluster using a configuration file. The configuration file is generated using the --config-only flag.

palette ec install --config-file ~/.palette/ec/ec-20230807143205/ec.yaml

Update the passwords of an Enterprise Cluster using a configuration file. The configuration file is generated using the --config-only flag.

palette ec install --config-file ~/.palette/ec/ec-20230807143205/ec.yaml --update-passwords

Custom Value File

You can customize the Cluster Profile that makes up the Enterprise Cluster by providing a custom values.yaml file that contains values for the various Cluster Profile layers that make up the Enterprise Cluster. The custom values.yaml file is used to customize the Enterprise Cluster to your specific needs. This is an advanced feature and should only be used by advanced users or when explicitly instructed by our support team.

The values.yaml file is made up of the following components:

  • os The operating system layer of the Enterprise Cluster. This layer contains the values for the operating system that will be used to install the Enterprise Cluster.

  • k8s The Kubernetes layer of the Enterprise Cluster. This layer contains the configuration values for the Kubernetes cluster that is created as part of the Enterprise Cluster installation.

  • csi The Container Storage Interface (CSI) layer of the Enterprise Cluster. This layer contains the configuration values for the CSI driver that is used to provide persistent storage to the Enterprise Cluster.

  • cni The Container Network Interface (CNI) layer of the Enterprise Cluster. This layer contains the configuration values for the CNI driver that is used to provide networking to the Enterprise Cluster.

  • mgmt The management layer of the Enterprise Cluster. This layer contains the configuration values for the internal management components of the Enterprise Cluster.

    You can provide one or more layers in the values.yaml file. When you provide a layer configuration, the new configuration will be used instead of the default configuration. For example, if you provide a custom values.yaml file that contains the os layer, it will replace the default operating system configuration. The Enterprise Cluster profile as follows The values.yaml must use the following format:

os: |-
# ... values.yaml for OS layer go here.
k8s: |-
# ... values.yaml for K8s layer go here.
csi: |-
# ... values.yaml for CSI layer go here.
cni: |-
# ... values.yaml for CNI layer go here.
mgmt: |-
# ... values.yaml for spectro-mgmt layer go here.

The following example shows a custom values.yaml file that contains the os layer. The os layer contains the configuration for the operating system that will be used to install the Enterprise Cluster.

os: |-
- echo "Executing pre kube admin config commands"
- update-ca-certificates
- "systemctl restart containerd; sleep 3"
- 'while [ ! -S /var/run/containerd/containerd.sock ]; do echo "Waiting for containerd..."; sleep 1; done'
- echo "Executing post kube admin config commands"
- targetPath: /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/mycom.crt
targetOwner: "root:root"
targetPermissions: "0644"
content: |


The login subcommand authenticates the Palette CLI with Palette. The login subcommand can be used in interactive mode, which prompts you for required values. Or, you can use flags to provide the subcommand with all the required values such as the API key, the organization ID, and the Palette URL.

--api-keyPalette API key (omit for interactive login).string
--cluster-group-namePalette Cluster Group name (optional). Specifies the active Cluster Group.string
--cluster-group-scopePalette Cluster Group scope. Required with --cluster-group-name. Allowed values are: project, tenant , and system.string
--console-urlPalette URL (omit for interactive login).string
--helpHelp for the login subcommand.-
--insecureSkip Transport Layer Security (TLS) (bypass x509 verification).-
--orgPalette Organization name (omit for interactive login).string
--projectPalette Project name (optional). Specifies the active Project.string


palette login --api-key 123456789 --org demo-org --console-url

If you want to target a specific project when using the login command, use the --project flag.

palette login  \
--api-key 123456789 \
--org demo-org \
--console-url \
--project dev-team

Upon successful login, a local configuration file named palette.yaml is created. This file contains the metadata for CLI operations and is created in your $HOME directory under the folder name .palette. The following output is an example of a palette.yaml configuration file. Sensitive values, such as passwords, tokens, and API keys are encrypted at rest.

organization: demo-org
scope: tenant
projectName: dev-team
projectUid: 6342eab2faa0813ead9082e0
clusterGroupName: beehive
clusterGroupUid: 635669ba4583891d109fe6c0
tenantUid: 40b8a9a7f724831be814e5734ea744ed
enablefips: false
token: ""
scarLoc: ""
scarUsername: ""
scarPassword: ""
apikey: 2abVsxDfFcJpYZ08+6dNWhkk
insecure: false
pairingcode: ""
runLoc: /Users/demo/.palette/
workspaceLoc: /Users/demo/.palette


The pcg subcommand supports Private Cloud Gateway (PCG) operations, such as installing a PCG cluster and validating its installation. A local kind cluster is created to facilitate creating the PCG cluster in the target environment. You do not need to install kind or any other dependencies, the CLI includes all the required dependencies to stand up the kind cluster.


Use the latest version of the Palette CLI that matches the version of your Palette or Palette VerteX instance. You can find the newest version of the Palette CLI on the Downloads page.

The pcg command exposes the following subcommand.

  • install - Install a PCG through an interactive wizard. A container runtime is required to install a PCG cluster.


Use the install subcommand to install a PCG cluster in the following environments. The following flags are supported by the install subcommand.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileInstall using a configuration file (optional). Use -config-only to generate a configuration file.string
-o--config-onlyGenerate configuration file only. This command will not proceed with installation.boolean
-i--inspect-onlyValidate prerequisites for environment. Do not proceed with installation.boolean

Use the latest version of the Palette CLI that matches the version of your Palette or Palette VerteX instance. You can find the newest version of the Palette CLI on the Downloads page.

Generate a Configuration File

Use the --config-only flag to generate a configuration file. The configuration file is used to install a PCG cluster with pre-defined values without having to go through the interactive wizard.

palette pcg install --config-only

Upon completion of the wizard installation, the configuration file is generated in the HOME directory under the folder path .palette/pcg/. The configuration file is named pcg.yaml.

==== Create PCG reference config ====
==== PCG config saved ====
Location: /Users/demo/.palette/pcg/pcg-20240108150653/pcg.yaml

Install With a Configuration File

Use the --config-file flag to install a PCG cluster with a configuration file. You can generate a configuration file using the --config-only flag. Refer to the Generate a Configuration File section for more information.

palette pcg install --config-file <path-to-config-file>

Update Passwords

You can update the Ubuntu Pro token and the platform credentials in the configuration file using the --update-passwords flag. The --config-file flag must be provided. The --update-passwords flag does not proceed with installation.

palette pcg install --config-file <path-to-config-file> --update-passwords

Supported Environments

PlatformInstall Guide


The pde subcommand interacts with the Palette Dev Engine (PDE) platform and its resources. You can use the pde command to log in to Palette, manage virtual clusters, and switch the project scope.

The pde command exposes the following subcommands.

  • cluster-group - Manage Palette Cluster Groups.

  • project - Manage Palette Projects.

  • virtual-cluster - Manage Palette Virtual Clusters.

Cluster Group

Use the cluster-group command to change the cluster group that commands will target. You can also list all available clusters. The cluster-group supports the following subcommands.

  • list - List Palette Cluster Groups.

  • switch - Switch your active Palette Cluster Group.

Virtual Cluster

You can use the virtual-cluster subcommand to manage Palette Virtual Clusters. Below is a list of the supported subcommands you can use. Use the --help flag to learn more about each subcommand.

  • create - Create a Palette Virtual Cluster.

  • delete - Delete a Palette Virtual Cluster.

  • download-kubeconfig - Download the kubeconfig for a Palette Virtual Cluster.

  • events - View events for a Palette Virtual Cluster.

  • lifecycle - Pause or resume a Palette Virtual Cluster.

  • list - List Palette Virtual Clusters.

  • resize - Resize a Palette Virtual Cluster.


Use the project command to manage projects, the project scope for the CLI, and list all available projects. The project command supports the following subcommands.

  • deactivate - Deactivate your active Palette project. This command requires you to have tenant admin privileges.

  • list - List Palette projects. Only projects you have access to are listed.

  • switch - Switch your active Palette project. You can only switch to projects you have access to.


Use the vmo command to migrate Virtual Machines (VMs) and import and deploy vSphere Open Virtual Appliances (OVAs). The VMs can then be used with the Virtual Machine Orchestrator (VMO).


  • deploy-ova - Deploy an imported vSphere OVA. This command requires you to have an OVA deployment file. If you do not have one, you can generate an OVA with the import-ova subcommand.

  • import-ova - Import a vSphere OVA. This subcommand will generate an OVA deployment configuration file. The configuration can then be deployed using the deploy-ova subcommand.

  • migrate-vm - Migrate one or more VMware vSphere VMs to Palette VMO.



  • You can only use the vmo subcommand with VMs hosted in VMware vSphere.

Deploy OVA

Use the deploy-ova subcommand to deploy an imported vSphere OVA to Palette VMO. The following flags are supported by the deploy-ova subcommand. Refer to the Import and Deploy OVAs to Palette VMO guide for further details on importing and deploying vSphere OVAs.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileSpecifies an OVA configuration file.string
-o--config-onlyUpdate the OVA configuration file only, without proceeding with the deployment. This flag requires the --config-file be specified.boolean
-s--silentPerform a silent OVA deployment. This flag requires the --config-file be specified.boolean
-h--helpHelp for the deploy-ova subcommand.-


Deploy a vSphere OVA previously imported to Palette VMO in interactive mode.

palette vmo deploy-ova --config-file ~/.palette/vmo/vms/my-ova-name/my-ova-name.yaml

Update the OVA configuration file without proceeding with the depoyment.

palette vmo import-ova --config-file ~/.palette/vmo/vms/my-ova-name/my-ova-name.yaml --config-only

Deploy a vSphere OVA previously imported to Palette VMO in interactive mode silently, without blocking the terminal.

palette vmo deploy-ova --config-file ~/.palette/vmo/vms/my-ova-name/my-ova-name.yaml --silent

Import OVA

Use the import-ova subcommand to import a vSphere OVA to Palette VMO. The following flags are supported by the import-ova subcommand. The OVA will be converted to the QCOW2 virtual disk storage format. This subcommand generates an OVA deployment configuration file. You can then either directly upload the imported image to a DataVolume or upload it a Docker image registry. Refer to the Import and Deploy OVAs to Palette VMO guide for further details on importing and deploying vSphere OVAs

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileSpecifies an OVA configuration file.string
-o--config-onlyGenerate the OVA configuration file only, without proceeding with the import.boolean
--skip-convertSkip OVA conversion to QCOW2 format.boolean
--skip-imageSkip VM image upload.boolean
-h--helpHelp for the deploy-ova subcommand.-


Import a vSphere OVA to Palette VMO in interactive mode.

palette vmo import-ova

Create a configuration file for the OVA import without proceeding with the import.

palette vmo import-ova --config-only

Import an OVA to Palette VMO using a configuration file. The configuration file is generated using the --config-only flag.

palette vmo import-ova --config-file ~/.palette/vmo/vms/my-ova-name/my-ova-name.yaml

Import an OVA to Palette VMO without converting it to QCOW2 format.

palette vmo import-ova --skip-convert

Import an OVA to Palette VMO without uploading it.

palette vmo import-ova --skip-image

Migrate VM

Use the migrate-vm subcommand to migrate one or more VMs from VMware vSphere to Palette VMO. The following flags are supported by the migrate-vm subcommand. The migration consists of two phases. First, all guest disks are transferred to Persistent Volumes (PVs) in K8s using KubeVirt CDI and VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit (VDDK). Then, the guest OS on the root disk is made bootable and drivers are installed using virt-v2v. Refer to the Migrate a VM to a VMO cluster guide for further details on migrating a vSphere VM to Palette VMO.

Short FlagLong FlagDescriptionType
-f--config-fileSpecifies a configuration file for the VM migration.string
-o--config-onlyGenerate the migration configuration file only, without proceeding with the migration.boolean
-p--update-passwordsUpdate the vSphere and ESXi passwords saved in the configuration file. This flag requires the --config-file to be specified.boolean
-h--helpHelp for the migrate-vm subcommand.-


Migrate a VM to Palette VMO in interactive mode.

palette vmo migrate-vm

Create a configuration file for the VM migration without proceeding with the migration.

palette vmo migrate-vm --config-only

Migrate a VM using a configuration file. The configuration file is generated using the --config-only flag.

palette vmo migrate-vm --config-file ~/.palette/vmo/migrations/migration-123/config.yaml

Update the passwords of an VM migration using a configuration file. The configuration file is generated using the --config-only flag.

palette vmo migrate-vm --config-file ~/.palette/vmo/migrations/migration-123/config.yaml --update-passwords